B4RN Broadband Reviews

Sometimes the best way to get a feel for a broadband provider is to read what those who are already customers think of the service they're receiving. Below are all the reviews we've received for B4RN.

Recent Customer Ratings for B4RN

  • Satisfaction
    4.6 stars
  • Customer Service
    4.5 stars
  • Speed
    4.5 stars
  • Reliability
    4.5 stars

Based on 100 customer ratings since 2017-06-04 (Show all time ratings)

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Ratings are left by users of our speed test as well as by reviewers. Recent star ratings summarise the last 12 months of ratings or the last 100 ratings placed, whichever is largest.

3 Customer Reviews

  • Reviewer
    • Satisfaction
      5 stars
    • Customer Service
      5 stars
    • Speed
      5 stars
    • Reliability
      5 stars
    B4RN has been brilliant for our rural community. On our new Surface pro we do get very close to the 1GB. Before B4RN we had speeds of less than 5 mbps and if it rained we had none. The difference is amazing.
    When we recently had work done to the house, we ‘broke’ the fibre connection. Engineers were round that day to fixit. BT usually took a week to come out and even then usually didn’t fix the problem.
    Digging ourselves was not a down side as met lots of local people and enjoyed it.
  • Reviewer
    Chipping Lancashire
    • Satisfaction
      5 stars
    • Customer Service
      5 stars
    • Speed
      5 stars
    • Reliability
      5 stars
    We had a problem with our internet earlier today and have no mobile signal at the property so we’re really left in a vulnerable position. I contacted B4RN this am and Lat couldn’t of been more helpful and understanding, she managed to call out an engineer (joe) who wasn’t local but agreed to come and fix the problem on a Saturday afternoon, I’m very grateful as we wouldn’t of had any signal for my daughter to call us this evening , thank you for being so lovely, it’s very rare to get such a personal service thank you so much jade
  • Reviewer
    Gissing, Norfolk
    • Satisfaction
      5 stars
    • Customer Service
      5 stars
    • Speed
      5 stars
    • Reliability
      5 stars
    Returning from holiday our internet had gone down and David Evans visited our property within 24 hours and fixed the problem within 15 minutes - where else do you get that astounding service. The B4RN team are fantastic. Thank you.

The reviews published on this page are those of the individual authors who have warrantied that they abide by our review guidelines. Reviews are not the opinion of Broadband.co.uk.

B4RN are not affiliated with Broadband.co.uk. This page does not constitute any affiliation between Broadband.co.uk and B4RN.